Training Courses


I. General information

1. The courses will be mainly delivered in Italian (international students will be provided with a simultaneous translation service from Italian into English);

2. the admission to the courses is limited (max. 12 in-person students per course) and the admission is based on a selection whose criteria are reported at section IV;

3. in-person courses will be held:

• for the first month of training at the Santa Caterina Park Hotel, Sarzana (La Spezia) for all students;

• for the second month of design workshop, at i) Michele de Lucchi’s firm in Varese street 15, Milan for “product design”
students, ii) at 10 Corso Como in Corso Como 10, Milan for “fashion design” and “jewelery design” students, iii) at Francesco Pazskowsky’s studio in Santa Maria Marignolle street 69, Florence for “nautical design” students;

4. Officina Baglietto reserves the right to modify the calendar and the program for a better operation of the courses. Possible
modifications will be previously communicated to students;

5. each course comprises:
a. visits and surveys;
b. training (days of active design/workshop);
c. a design workshop.

6. The opportunity to prototype projects designed during the workshop and the continuation of the collaboration between
students and Baglietto is at the latter’s sole discretion and bound by:

• the completion of the design workshop activity (certified by the workshop tutor for each student)

• at least 75% attendance of the lesson modules as described at p. 5.a, 5.b. and 5.c.;

7. at the end of the course, students will receive a certificate of attendance;

8. to receive the certificate of attendance, it is fundamental to have attended at least 75% of the lesson modules as described at p. 5.a, 5.b. and 5.c.;

9. it is necessary that the applicants who come from extra-EU countries and want to attend the course verify the terms and conditions for visa release prior to the publication of the provisional ranking, so as to be able to start the courses according to the set calendar. Officina Baglietto staff is available for to possibly release documentation to support the visa application. The visa shall be exclusively required for the part relating to the lessons, therefore for the first 10 weeks of the course. In relation to this necessity and the timing for the visa issuing, Officina Baglietto suggests that its students apply for tourist visas.

II. Prerequisites for accessing the courses

1. Being fluent in Italian or English (pre-intermediate fluency, at least level B1);

2. it is not compulsory to be holders of a specific degree. It is necessary to be interested in the topics of the program;

3. completing the application procedure as reported in par. IV;

4. paying the administration and enrollmentenrollment fees (for students who have not been allocated grants).

III. Admission

1. The applications will be assessed by a selection committee which will assign a score from 0 to 100 to each applicant;

2. the selection committee’s members are professionals appoint ed by Baglietto;

3. the selection board’s verdict is unquestionable;

4. the selection committee is not obliged to write a comment for each of the submitted applications;

5. each applicant’s final score is given according to the applicant’s portfolio;

6. on the basis of the scores, a provisional ranking will be formed and published on the Officina Baglietto website. The best 12
applicants for each course will be admitted according to the scores described at p. 5 in this paragraph;

7. a scholarship (full coverage of the enrollment fee) will be granted to the applicants ranking 1st to 7th (included); the first 7 applicants in the ranking are assigned the scholarships univocally: in case one of them refuses the scholarship, this cannot be assigned to any other applicant;

8. the applicants ranking 8th to 12th (included) will be admitted to the course after the enrollment fee payment (€5,490);

9. the applicants ranking from 13th on will not be admitted to the course. However, they could be admitted following the retirement of some of the admitted applicants; in this case, the course tutor will get in contact with the applicants promptly in case of a second admission round;

10. according to enrollments and retirements, after 14 days from
the publication of the provisional ranking, the official ranking will
be published on the Officina Baglietto website;

11. all the admitted applicants, who have either received a scholarship or not, will be contacted by the course tutor in the days following the publication of the provisional ranking to confirm their enrollment;

12. in case two or more applicants obtain the same score, priority will be given to the applicant who has received the highest score for their portfolio, and in case of an additional ex aequo, the priority will be given to the applicant who has made the administration fee payment earlier as specified at p. IV.2;

1. Fill in all the required fields in the personal details form that can be downloaded in the “download” section of the page of each

2. pay €91.50 administration fee. Administration fees
must be paid through bank transfer to the IBAN IT45X0327302400000600103285 (Solution Bank S.p.A.) indicating the following reason for payment: “student’s first and last name; name of the course; application” (e.g., for the student John Smith in the course in Fashion Design: “John Smith; Fashion Design; application”);

3. send an email to the email address attaching the following documents:

• copy of a valid identity document;
• filled in personal details form as described at p. 2;
• portfolio;
• copy of bank transfer of the administration fee payment of €91.50;

The uploaded files shall be in .jpg or .pdf format and do not exceed the maximum size of 15MB;

4. the subject of the email should be ‘Application - Candidate’s Name, Course’; therefore, the student John Smith, applying for the Fashion Design course, will state in the subject line ‘Application - John Smith, Fashion Design’.

5. sending a link to download documents larger than 15 MB will not be admitted;

6. The same application cannot be sent more than once;

7. after submitting the application, within 24 hours, students will receive an email confirming the reception of the email, the accuracy of materials and the application being assessed by Officina Baglietto staff;

8. at the end of the revision of the applications, on the day of publication of the provisional ranking, applicants will be informed of their status according to their score:

Applicants are invited to acknowledge the status of their ap--plication in order to act accordingly in case of retirement of previously admitted applicants’;

9. in case of admission without a scholarship, the applicant must pay – by the times reported in the “calendar” section of this document - the enrollment fee of €5,490; 

10. not paying the enrollment fee will exclude the applicant from the course;

11. the enrollment fee must be paid by bank wire to the following IBAN IT45X0327302400000600103285 (Solution Bank S.p.A.) indicating the following reason for payment: “name and surname of the student; course title; enrollment” (e.g. for student John Smith’s enrollment in the Fashion Design course: “John Smith; fashion design; enrollment”);

12. after paying the enrollment fee, students shall send a copy of the bank transfer to the email address

V. Notes

1. Officina Baglietto is a project by Baglietto s.p.a. curated and managed by YAC srl;

2. This whole document constitutes an integral part of the Terms and Conditions of the service;

3. the applicants agree to the Terms and Conditions when they

4. administration fees and enrollment fees are not refundable under any circumstances;

5. the administration fees and enrollment fees can be paid by a third party, provided that the reason for payment correctly refers
to the applicant as indicated at p.IV.2,10;

6. YAC srl declines all liability for missing communications depending on incorrect information given by the applicant or missing/late communication of address change (compared to the one indicated during the online registration), and for mistakes attributable to third parties, chance or force majeure;

7. in case an applicant declares false or untrue statements regarding details necessary to the course enrollment, in addition to the sanctions envisaged by Article 76 of the Italian Presidential Decree 445/2000, the applicant’s paid fees will not be refunded. False or untrue statements declared by the applicant may bring to an action for damages carried out by those affected;

8. applicants will be held accountable for the personal data they provide and the promoter does not assume any responsibility for wrong data provided. The promoter, according to privacy policies, has the right to verify the applicants’ data by requesting a copy of an identity document regarding the data of the registration;

9. the access to the courses can be interrupted for disciplinary
reasons or force majeure;

10. The result of the educational program (hereafter named “project”), including any (available) intellectual and/or industrial property rights on the project, is owned definitively by Officina Baglietto s.p.a., which therefore acquires the exclusive right to economic exploitation, as well as reproduction, in any way or form, including the rights to use, execute, adapt, modify, publish on any media channel, exhibit, reproduce and distribute the project - also for marketing and advertising purposes -, carry out editorial reviews, create derivative works based on it, and license the project - or some of its parts - to third parties, in any form, mode or technology including the “right of panorama” without any limitation of time or place;

11. One student cannot benefit from 2 scholarships in the same edition of Officina Baglietto courses.

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